Imaging of the pial arterial vasculature of the human brain in vivo using high-resolution 7T time-of-flight angiography

Our latest work is out in eLife: We show how small pial arteries can be targeted effectively with high-resolution in vivo MR imaging. The data is openly available ( and may be used for building models of brain physiology. The pial arterial vasculature of the human brain is the Read more…

Improving FLAIR SAR Efficiency at 7T by Adaptive Tailoring of Adiabatic Pulse Power through Deep Learning Estimation

The full publication can be found here: The preprint is here: [1911.08118] Improving FLAIR SAR efficiency at 7T by adaptive tailoring of adiabatic pulse power using deep convolutional neural networks ( The data used to train the model is on OSF: And we also built a colab notebook (described Read more…

Building an Interactive paper supplement with Google Colab and the Open Science Foundation

For a paper we recently submitted (Improving FLAIR SAR efficiency at 7T by adaptive tailoring of adiabatic pulse power using deep convolutional neural networks – pre-print here: and published article here: I was wondering if we can do more than just provide the source code. One problem I Read more…